
Design in women's clothing

As I previously talked about the dress Sonia wore when I went to the Power House Museum and wrote the review, In this blog I’m going to talk more about design in women’s clothing and how it is changed in Australia. From old 19th century, woman used to wear dresses that were designer in fancy shape but pale, simple colors. Women who came from wealth families don’t really work, and were dressing totally different from the women who lived and worked on farms or in the woods. The other women are wearing short dresses or pants combining blouse to make working easier. (what are wealth 19th century women wore like, image from: http://www.kristenkoster.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/shawls.jpg)

After fashion is developing rapidly in late 20th century, women are wearing more different clothing. They have more choices, and they are braver to show themselves. We can see from the dress been worn by Sonia McMahon and Madonna’s cone bra. This shows the society’s attitude is becoming more open minded.(Picture is Madonna's cone bra, image from: http://www.whatsabouttown.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/madonna-conical-bra.jpg)

After late 20th century until now, people are caring more about comfortable and quality rather than styles. More clothing that are beautiful in quality also has multiple functions is been designed and been welcomed to the world. (New functional women's clothing nowadays, image from: http://www.thefemalegene.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Working-women-get-an-innovative-and-multi-functional-clothing-line.jpg)

